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AJS Training Services, LLC. | Syracuse, NY

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Rick Olszewski

Do you ever go above and beyond the call- and get little or no credit for it?

Have you ever lost your objectivity with a prospect or customer?

Have you ever found yourself using "weasel words" with a prospect or customer?

Have you ever blamed a lost sale on a prospect's personality or action?

Have you ever heard what you wanted to hear from the prospect- and lost the deal as a result?

Have you ever accepted a prospect’s “diagnosis” at face value?

Have you ever lost a deal because you didn't effectively distinguish yourself from the competition?

Have you ever reached the "end of the line" with a prospect - and had no idea what to do to move forward?

Have you ever tried to "script" a conversation with a prospect ahead of time?

Have you ever missed a signal that there was really "no deal?"